Clínica Eugin Apps

I can't get pregnant 1.2
Are you having difficulty getting pregnant? With I can’t getpregnant app you can quickly and easily find out whether there is apossible reason behind this.This app has been developed by a team of medical specialists ingynaecology and reproduction. By answering a few questions, we willhelp you know if there is a reason that explains why you arefinding it difficult to get pregnant.At Eugin we have 15 years’ experience, and together we can help youfind out if there is any particular reason you are not gettingpregnant.
Eugin Assistant 1.4
Welcome to your Personal Area with EUGIN,aspace we have created for you, commitment-free, to provide youwithall the information and resources you need to take yourdecision.We are fully aware of how important this decision is for yousowe have put everything you need at your fingertips,whilstguaranteeing maximum confidentiality.Through this space, you can find information aboutyourtreatment, contact us directly and request a first visitwheneveris convenient for you, as there are no waiting lists atEugin.